Showing Tag: "novel" (Show all posts)

A Bouncy, Squeaking Bubble & Lots Of Screaming

Posted by Loretta Livingstone on Friday, January 8, 2016,
I started my new year in much the same condition as many people. I didn't have a hangover as I hadn't overindulged, but I'd had a very late night and been on too much of a high to get to sleep until gone 4, so I woke up - sort of - in a somewhat slow fashion.

I had one thing I wanted to know before I got on with the day, so I sat at the top of the stairs in my cosy dressing gown, hollering to my husband, who was in the kitchen (there is no hiding place in our house). 

"I'll just check," I warbl...

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Changing Direction

Posted by Loretta Livingstone on Monday, June 15, 2015,
Some of you may have noticed that my writing has taken an unexpected turn. I went for a wander in Writing Woods, took a different turning than usual and ended up down Short Story Lane. And I found I liked it.
My first foray into fiction, a novelette, Where Angels Tread, came out in March 2014, and was followed by two collections of short stories, Beautiful and Four Christmases.
My fourth work of fiction, actually my eighth book in total, Out of Time, is a novel which starts in 2006 but quickly ...

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